Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Microsoft Powerpoint question: How do I remove the mark-up?

OK. I made a presentation on Microsoft Powerpoint. Then I used the ''ink'' (not real ink!) during a presentation. After that I saved the ink. Now, I want to get rid of everything I wrote (the mark-up) w/o creating a new presentation. Does anyone know how I can do this?

Microsoft Powerpoint question: How do I remove the mark-up?agv


You can click on the ink mark in PowerPoint and then hit the delete key. Obviously this is a pain if you have tons of individual markings. If this is the case, try this:

-Click ctrl+a (this selects everything on the slide)

-Hold down ctrl and click everything on the slide that you DO want to keep (this unselects the stuff you want to keep)

-Click delete (this deletes everything still selected, i.e. the ink)

That should save time because you only have to click on the stuff you want to keep, not every single little ink marking. You will have to do this for each slide. It may take a while, but is probably quicker than recreating the entire presentation.

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