Friday, August 20, 2010

I need help with Microsoft Office home and student 2007?

I need help with Microsoft Office home and student 2007?

I purchased a CD of Microsoft Office Home and Student and when it says to enter the 25 character product key, I enter the one on the paper. But it tells me that it is incorrect. Can someone tell me why when that product key has to be correct? I went to Microsoft and they told me that i could be getting that message because something is ''corrupted'' in my computer

I need help with Microsoft Office home and student 2007?adware remover

Check it with your dealer.

I need help with Microsoft Office home and student 2007?antivirus protection

If its illegal you know why if it isn't just return it to the store and get a new one.

Help with microsoft word 2007?

i need to enter the product key for my microsoft license, ive typed it in and all the letters and numbers are correct, but microsoft word says, the key is incorrect verify that u have the right key and then retype it. ive retyped it 5 times and it,s kept saying the same thing. what should i do

Help with microsoft word 2007?adware

The key on the computer case is for Windows, not for Word (Office). That key would be on the disk or case if you've just bought Office.

If you haven't, and this is a new computer on which Word seems to have come for free, you probably have a trial version. You should be able to push past the registration screen and use Word for a while: 25 uses or 30, 60 or 90 days, depending on the deal your machine's manufacturer struck with Microsoft.

At the end of that time, and apparently without warning, it will let you read your files, but not edit them or create new ones. You have to purchase Microsoft Office 2007, or at least Word 2007, to do that.

Like being hooked like a fish, isn't it?

If you have files that are locked up in the new Word 2007 file format (.docx), here鈥檚 a possibility for salvaging them. Microsoft offers a free Compatibility pack that allows earlier versions of Word to read Word 2007 files. If you have access to an earlier version, this can at least give you back your documents.

On the other hand, if you鈥檙e interested in buying Word, Check out this URL, especially the second group of listings.

Note that the higher of the two prices quoted is for a full version of that program and the lower, for upgrades from existing software. Read the list of upgrade-qualifying software carefully: MS Works is often one, and may have come on your machine.

Good luck.

Help with microsoft word 2007?antivirus scan

ask KEY to the person, from where you buy the CD/DVD of MS-Office 2007.

What should I do if I don't have Microsoft Office 2007? (See details)?

I don't have Microsoft Office 2007. I only have Microsoft Word 2003/2004, Microsoft PowerPoint (2003/2004), and Excel (2003/2004). In the textbook, Microsoft Office 2007, the instructions read, ''Start Word, open the file D-3.doc from where you store your Data Files, then save it as Sales Meeting Memo.'' Can I still open the file in Microsoft Word 2003? If yes, how?

P.S. Can still do my homework if I don't have Microsoft Office 2007?

What should I do if I don't have Microsoft Office 2007? (See details)?agv

If the textbook is oriented toward Office 2007, you're going to have rough going in some places using any earlier version. Word 2007 went to a totally different user interface, and I suspect other homework assignments won't even be doable with Word 2003. (Office 2004, by the way, was the Mac version. I doubt you have that one.)

You might want to take a look at a free trial version of Office 2007 from Microsoft. Be warned, however, that after some usage- or time-limit (30, 60 or 90 days) it will expire, apparently without warning, leaving your existing files readable but not editable.

If that happens, you can download the free Compatibility Pack from Microsoft to at least be able to edit those files in Word 2003.

Hope that helps.

What should I do if I don't have Microsoft Office 2007? (See details)?antivirus software

MS has a 'Compatibility Pack' for Office 2003 that you can use to open Word 2007 (*.docx) files.

Should work for you. Search for 'compatibility pack' on MS site.

If the file is a .doc file, it is probably still an Office 2003 file anyway...

Is The Microsoft Points Generator A Virus or scam?

There is this video going around on youtube saying if you download this microsoft ponts generator it will give you free microsoft points i downloaded it and put in my e-mail for xbox and password am i gunna be in crap and is there anyone else who had their account hacked from doing this.

Is The Microsoft Points Generator A Virus or scam?anti virus protection

its definatly a point cards are validated at the time of purchase at the store if you buy prepaid cards and i highly doubt that you would get a card number that would have been validated at the store but not yet redeemed on xbox live

Is The Microsoft Points Generator A Virus or scam?antivirus

It sounds fishy, but I dunno whatll happen because of it, change all your passwords just to be safe.

  • transfer emails between computers
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  • Why has Microsoft not introduce a major new operating system product since 2001?

    Microsoft put Windows XP on the market in late 2001. Service packs and bug fixes cannot really be considered new operating systems - they just aggregate a lot of patches and add a few critical enhancements.

    Apple released Mac OS X 10.0 in early 2001 and has released 4 new versions of the product since that time. The operating systems' graphics capabilities amaze MS-Windows users when they see them. The Microsoft platform will likely not have corresponding graphcs and search capabilities for it until 2007. Even then, they still might not be a Mac for Mac OS X of 2005 - or even Mac OS X of 2003.

    Linux has been through a couple kernel versions since that time, dramatically increasing its capacities to better support enterprise computing and adding huge performance increases in some areas.

    Why has Microsoft not introduce a major new operating system product since 2001?anti virus software

    for the fact that it's a closed source OS so development has got to be slower than open source

    Why has Microsoft not introduce a major new operating system product since 2001?aurora

    Takes alot of time to write a OS, it is not easy task, design, testing, back to design when problems are found. takes alot of time to test and redesign a OS, plus when XP first came out, people did not move to it, because alot of hardware did not work with it, now their is x64 XP, and again, alot of hardware does not work for it, software is slowly getting their,
    Because XP is stable enough! BTW Windows Vista (code named: longhorn) is on the way.
    I have windows longorn, it is good enough. the designs r perfect. i just answered your question.

    Related to Microsoft Word 2003 professional edition?

    Hello, I have purchased the product in french. It comes standard with english, french, spanish.... but not italian spellchecker! I really wanna have the spellchecker and grammar for microsoft word 2003 in italian. I've tried to contact someone on the Microsoft site, but they would charge me for further help. Please send a link or a website if possible.

    Thank You :-)

    Related to Microsoft Word 2003 professional edition?anti virus

    the link in my sources should help.

    Help with Microsoft powerpoint/slideshows?//?

    ok i heard tha ti can use microsoft powerpoint to make slides shows and put them in my mp3 player..[i have a windows xp] but when ever i click on microsoft powerpoint in my ''start menu'' it opens a window that sakes me to choose a file , but i dont get why m i supposed to pick a file?? or M i using the wrong micro.. powerpoint??? help .. tell me wat to use..

    Help with Microsoft powerpoint/slideshows?//?antispam

    It must be askin you to chose a slide... kindda like a template to a page... and you do need a blank sheet to make ur presentation